
One Year!

One year ago this weekend, May 30th, 2009, I married my best friend. I am so blessed to have such a patient, loving, and grace-filled husband. I love you Nick! Here's to 70 more years!


  1. happy anniversary! your wedding was gorgeous! don't you wish you do it all over again? it flies by...

  2. congrats! we are almost celebrating our one year as well. many blessings to you both.

  3. Happy anniversary! You two are so adorable, and what a gorgeous wedding! Thanks for sharing pics :)

  4. What beautiful pictures you have! You are a beautiful couple too. Congratulations on your one year!

  5. happy anniversary, congrats! I absolutely love your wedding dress. Looks like it was a gorgeous and fun wedding. We're celebrating our 5th anniversary today!

  6. hey girlie...I just wrote you an email and then came over to this blog! I hadn't realized you moved over to this one...here I thought you gave up on blogging as I kept looking at the other one. Oh my...lots to catch up on!! :) Happy anniversary again! :)
