
Coming up for Air

What a long, crazy week it has been! Things don't slow up this weekend either. Girl's breakfast at my place tomorrow morning, co-ed wedding shower in Midtown tomorrow for lunch, possibly a sliver the US World Cup game, and helping friends move tomorrow night. Then, it's church on Sunday morning, an afternoon of graphic designing and finishing up Etsy orders for Monday's shipment, back to church for our Financial Peace University class (which, by the way, is rocking our world... we are kicking debt to the curb!), and finally, possibly some time to breath and relax tomorrow night with my hubby. Whew! Wouldn't change a thing, though:)

So, in lieu of a real post, you'll have to accept a few nuggets I have collected in my brain file this week:

Remember the last post I did on vintage chair makeovers? Well, Design Sponge must be reading my mind, 'cuz here is one of their latest features! A beautiful made over chair with a burlap seat:

Atlanta has been an inferno this past week. Nick and I went and checked out a new self-serve frozen yogurt shop called Yogli Mogli on Johnson's Ferry in East Cobb and were not disappointed! Yum. Super cheap too-- only 39 cents per ounce!

Finally, I never thought I'd want to buy anything that bore the name "romper," but this red number from
Mod Cloth has me singing a different tune. How sweet. And I'm also really liking their "Scenic Route" lookbook pictures.

Until next time, my friends!



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