
Vintage Picture Walls

I love the romance of old pictures! Lately I've been toying with the idea of entirely covering an accent wall with framed black and white pictures, like a gallery. Here's the thing... I love the look, but am having a hard time deciding if I'm okay with pictures of strangers from yesteryears in my house... Is that creepy or okay for art's sake? I mean, I do have a handful of old family pictures, but definitely not enough to make this kind of magic happen:

I especially love old class pictures or sports team pictures. An easy way to get a lot of photos to frame, for cheap? Buy a year book from the 40's or 50's at an antique mall or flea market!


  1. This is so cool! And I love vintage yearbooks, too. They are such a time capsule. Nothing is more real than High School. hahaha
