
Best Day!

Oh boy! Today has been so sweet. Around noon I was updating some things in my Etsy shop when I noticed that my one of my Teacup Lights had 128 hearts and 1000 plus views... What? I made the front page of Etsy! My friend Molly was over and I'm thankful that she knows how to save screen shots because amidst the screaming and jumping up and down, we were able to capture proof. First square on the page!

What ensued was a handful of orders and a wonderful celebratory lunch at Panera with good girlfriends!

Here's the sweet light that gave my little shop a boon:

When I got home I found a little package in the mail containing these beautiful earrings (below)! A while back I designed a logo and Etsy shop banner/avatar for a sweet woman and she had sent me a gift with the logo I made her on the tag. They are beyond cute. I'm sorry my hands are shaky and the photo isn't 100% clear, but go check out her shop and get some Christmas shopping done!