
Awkward Space Solutions- Above Kitchen Cabinets

If your home was built in the past century and has standard ceiling heights, chances are, the tops of your kitchen cabinets boast excellent storage opportunities. The age-old question, however, would be, "what to store up there?" It can't be something you use on a daily or even weekly basis, in order for your collection to shine, you'll have to commit to dusting a bit more, and for goodness sake it can't look cluttered! This awkward space can prove to be a challenge.

Well, here are a few ideas I found to share with you (and no, fake ivy is not one of them!):

Plates- Snag some plate hangers are your local craft store and display a fun collection up high. You could go for a mono-chromatic look or embrace the beauty of vintage, mismatched plates!

Industrial Salvage- Whether it be letters, signs, panels, you name it! Large scale pieces of history will look awesome above your cabinets. The chippier the better!

Cake Stands! Stack these beauties up (safely) for a lovely, tiered look. If your cake stands aren't clear, you can prevent slippage when stacking by cutting out discreet circles of the rubber no slip pads that go under rugs!

Baskets- A great hiding spot to stash extra, non-essential items. Decor and storage at the same time!

I couldn't find any photos of these looks on top of cabinets, but I think they would be great: Vintage mixers, vintage blenders, or any vintage small kitchen appliance in a collection! Vintage bread boxes, wire crates filled with rolled-up vintage tablecloths, large vintage fans, apple crates, the sky is the limit!


  1. A friend of mine surprised me by taking my sister's beautifully decorated blown Easter eggs from the 60s and placing them in clear glass mason jars for the top of my kitchen cabinets (lids on). The jars need to be dusted but the eggs stay clean. Lots of other pretty or colorful items could be placed in glass for display.

    My cabinets already had a large fluorescent light fixture laying face-up up there and the light shines through the jars and my family treasure is appreciated.

  2. Oh, that's a great idea! Thanks for sharing:)
