
A Little Forest for Little Bears...

Happy Wednesday folks. We are expecting some big storms in Georgia today and are currently under a tornado watch. Funny how that would have freaked this Pacific Northwestern gal out a few years ago, but my time living in Chicago and here has really mellowed my fears of possible natural disasters of this sort.

Baby is kicking up a storm and we are finally all settled into our new place. Stay tuned for a house tour, minus baby room, coming soon. I have yet to really start in on the nursery. We do, however, have a crib and a dresser, so that's progress!

Ever since we found out we were having a boy, I have been tossing around ideas for how to decorate the nursery. I really wanted to stay away from a theme, but lately a handful of woodland themed articles have warmed my heart. Some are way out of our price range, but the inspiration is good and I think hope, with a bit of creativity and elbow grease, I'll be able to pull off this look for much less!

Liam the Woodland Fox by Etsy seller sleepyking, $38

Faux Bois Lampshade from LampsPlus, $99

Elf Forest Playset by Etsy seller quietudequilts, $25

Vintage Yellowstone Park Souvenir Plate from Etsy seller designsforjustice, $7.50

Belchick the Mischevious Woodland Squirrel by Etsy seller sleepyking, $26

Large Blue Felt Cuckoo Clock by Etsy seller cuckoonest, $140

White Deer from Etsy seller amradio, $24

So that's that for now. Until next time, I leave you with a shot of our crib... It's just waiting for the arrival of one adorable little baby bear! 

P.S. That is a 3-6 month sized bear suit. It looks big to me, but my mother was quick to point out that both of us are tall and so it's unlikely our baby will ever fit into the prescribed clothing for its age group... As long as I don't have to deliver a baby that big, I'll be okay:)


  1. i call my husband my bear... haha! i hope your baby is MUCH smaller than he is. ;D

  2. I was thinking of doing woodland theme too if ours turned out to be a boy. Love the stuff you found. Also, if you want to do a cheaper version of that lamp shade, they made fabric that looks like wood grain and you could just cover a plain lampshade with the fabric. Here is a listing for some wood grain fabric on Etsy (I buy all my fabric on Etsy). They ahve other colors too, this is just an example:

  3. Kaytee, thanks so much for the link. I love that fabric! It seems that the theme is shifting a bit. Nick's mom is making our crib set and I was going to have this cute owl fabric, but it sold out, so now this is the fabric: http://www.fashionablefabrics.com/central-park-children-zoo-natrual-kate-spain-27062-17.aspx

    I still LOVE woodland creatures, and I'm not a big fan of jungle/African decor, but the compromise might end up being a vintage zoo style. That way, there is room for all types of animals:)

    Isn't nursery decorating fun?

  4. Steph, that's so funny because one of the fabrics I had picked out if ours was a boy is SUPER similar to yours! It was this:

    Love the fabric you have. And vintage animal is very fun! My mom is making my bedding too and I love that I get to pick whatever fabrics I want and that it is totally custom!
