
I Heart Emily from Design Star

Anyone out there an HGTV Design Star fan? We have an itty bitty cable package that we'd like to get rid of, because we don't watch much tv and could easily catch our favorite shows (SNL and The Office) online. Problem is, we'd have to pay big bucks to get out of our $20 a month contract early. So, I flip on good ol' HGTV from time to time to get my money's worth:)

Here is my ode to Emily Henderson, a finalist on Design Star, who embodies all that is effortless, vintage, bohemian chic! Last night's glass house challenge was amazing. I wish I could find a photo of her room. It rocked! I love her down to earth personality too... it really translates into her designs. She has my vote fo sho!

This is a shot of her home office, where she blogs every morning. Sweet!


  1. AHHHH!!! thank you so much. That is so sweet. And incredibly appreciated. You can look at the pictures at HGTV.com, in behind the scenes. I'm so excited for next week. thanks so much for watching.

    YOU have MY vote.

  2. OH I Love miss Emily to bits! I love her show's concept about bringing your personal fashion style into your home's decor! Love vintage pattern mixing etc! Good to see I am not the only one hooked on design star!
