
My Heart is Full

You may be wondering where I have been for the past couple of weeks? Well, we had the opportunity to spend a week and a few days in Seattle with my family, attending my friend Holly's wedding, and participating as a bridesmaid in my dear friend Jennie's wedding. Then, we had the opportunity to fly out to Chicago and do a bit of work and at the same time spend time with my husband's fam and other Chicago friends. I'll be posting some pics of the weddings and my sweet nephews soon!

In the meantime, check out these lovely vintage crafting doodads!

I found these cute mushrooms, buttons, and candy cane seam binding at a thrift shop (total cost, $1.25 for everything)-

Then, I was delighted to find that my wonderful mother-in-law had set aside some vintage sewing items that had belonged to Nick's Nana.

I love the little mouse pin cushion!

Now, I'm on the hunt for a cool jar to house all of my vintage thread spools! I love ordinary items as unique displays in a a bookcase or on a mantle.