
It Just Gets Better and a Coupon!

Well, I need to thank Lora from Eager Hands for bringing my attention to the fact that another Mostaza Seed Teacup Light has been featured by Etsy. This time it was in their Etsy Finds email!

I am becoming an expert "screenshot saver." As a big thank you to all the sweet strangers who have been giving Mostaza Seed lots of love, I want to offer this coupon code WINTERBLOGTHANKYOU of 5% off any order in my shop to anyone who reads this blog. All I ask is that you would leave a little comment and add yourself as an official follower if you are not already one.

I say this because I'm a total blog stalker and there are plenty of lovely blogs I read but never comment on (wrist slap).

Well, it's back to packing for our Christmas trip home to Seattle, how cute is this suitcase?

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