
My Morning View

I've been pretty good about getting up when Nick gets up to go to work (6AM) and I must admit it's much easier to do so when I am greeted by A. A hot cup of coffee, B. Our first real Christmas Tree (last year we were moving and chose to only do a table top tree), and C. This splendid, tunis blue mid century rocker chair that I purchased for $10 at an estate sale! Yup. It was only $10 because one of the arms was loose, which my fabulous husband fixed in a jiffy! There were a few small stains on the upholstery, but they came right up with a bit of Shout and elbow grease. The pictures are a bit dark because I did take them at o' dark thirty, but you get the idea.

Thought I'd invite you into my morning view:)

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